Battle Slaves [Android] Download

Battle Slaves [Android]

'Battle Slaves is an enticing strategic turn-based combat game that features online clashes.
Engage in summons to acquire new combatants. Enhance the skills of your combatants, choose your allies, and determine the best strategic passive abilities.
- Aim to acquire the entire roster -'

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Project QT
Changelog (v0.5)
– New Character : The Witch – Special : Turn enemy into stuffed animal. (for Fan) – Story 1/3
– Adjust the stats of all characters according to the following formula: WATER = DEF, FIRE = ATTACK, and WATER = LIFE.
– Ranking : Rubies can be earn until ranking 3000
– Fix negatif ruby with level up.
– Amy Ajust Super attack 50% to 60% ( and fix bugs Super with nude mode)
– Def passif : 30% to 20%
– Maximum level 22 to 23
– You can level up by 5
– Ajustement Mino can break bone and strenght / 2
– New codes
– Add button retry avec search slaves
– Plan for add more nsfw and animations
Rating: 8.5/10
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