Battle Slaves [Android] Download

Battle Slaves [Android]

'Battle Slaves is an enticing strategic turn-based combat game that features online clashes.
Engage in summons to acquire new combatants. Enhance the skills of your combatants, choose your allies, and determine the best strategic passive abilities.
- Aim to acquire the entire roster -'

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Project QT
Changelog (v0.6)
– New interface for Story (New challenge + new story & special room with NSFW pics )
– New interface for FIGHT
– Full story with new NSFW for Amyco.
– Add Exam room for Lulu
– New Passif (Extra life – Revive with 1 HP)
– Endless mode
– add 2 stages
– add new music
– change Androida 250 max to 300 max damage.
– Stella attack is lower
– New pics for witch’s transformation
– Fix bugs Enemy without passif
– Mino can be play from the start (Is unlocked)
– Unlock slaves are faster just buy it for 200 diams.
– Add Memory room for Stella
– First code : STARTCODE
Rating: 8.5/10
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