The Wanking Dead [Android] Download

The Wanking Dead [Android]

In this game, you step into the shoes of a man emerging from a coma, only to discover a world that bears no resemblance to the one he knew. Confronted with a series of decisions, his choices will reverberate among the other survivors. Is he capable of rising to the occasion and becoming the leader this drastically altered reality so urgently requires?

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Project QT
Changelog (v0.04)
New content
Added Danai intro character (You can pick the Grace encounter or Danai’s)
Added a new main menu
Extended scenes: The little girl encounter
Over 400 new renders to continue the story of our survivors
Fixed luring bugs from previous updates
Send me a dm or spam general on my discord if any other bugs pop up and I will fix
Size matters
Ive also made the file size smaller without touching the quality of images Used to be over 1.5GBs now its sitting 1.1 with the addition of 0.04 content
Speaking of quality of images, I’ve gone through each single render and fixed the dark and dull to more light and visible.
Rating: 9.1/10
226 votes
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  1. July 9, 2022 at 8:08 pm

    Ah yes, another ‘Woke Up From a Coma Into a World Gone to Hell’ game. Because we definitely haven’t seen that plot a million times before