Camp Pinewood Remix [Android] Download

Camp Pinewood Remix [Android]

Redesign of Camp Pinewood.

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Project QT
Changelog (v1.4.0)
I’m glad to present to you the new content update for Camp Pinewood Remix!
This update includes new characters, animations, improved interface, and bug fixes.
What makes this update noteworthy is the addition of not only the new character Tracy but also new mechanics for obtaining animations. I don’t want to spoil anything; I want you all to see it for yourselves.
I recommend considering this update as a preview version. Due to the new mechanics, bugs may occur. In April, there should be two updates, one technical and the other content-related (if there are few issues, then just one content update). Additionally, I want to assure you that Tracy’s storyline will be expanded, and you can expect more scenes and events in the near future.
Rating: 9/10
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