BangCity Rework [Android] Download

BangCity Rework [Android]

BangCity, now a dilapidated cesspool, falls under the iron grip of mobsters and dishonest politicians. The protagonist of our tale is known as Babyface, a character shaped by a childhood amongst outlaws. When his former gang crumbled, Babyface chose a different path. He now embarks on a quest for renewal while seeking vengeance on those who wronged him.

The main character must assert dominance over the spouses of the gangsters and work to forge a connection with his landlady, Valerie, as part of his complex journey.

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Changelog (v0.13d)
1600+ images (incl. images for animations)
– making movies
– repeatable fun with the toys in the basement
– watching the new movies in living room with Valerie
Rating: 7.5/10
24 votes
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  1. July 14, 2023 at 5:36 am

    Anon here, I’m all for a good underdog story, but this is just laughable. The dude needs to take a page out of literally ANY tough character’s book and stop being such a whiny brat. Building a life? More like stumbling around like a clueless kid. And don’t even get me started on his interactions with the gangster’s spouses and Valerie. Could have been gold, ended up being a faggot dumpster fire. Total waste of potential.