Rogue Femme [Android] Download

Rogue Femme [Android]

Welcome to my Roguelike Card Game, currently in the initial phases of development! This game features Mature Content, including nudity. As a solo developer, my goal is to create engaging and exciting games for your entertainment. If you're interested in supporting my work and obtaining early access to upcoming versions, please consider joining my Patreon or Subscribestar communities. The latest release is now available for early supporters!

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Project QT
Changelog (v0.1.7)
+ Added 6 new Stage 2 Elite Enemies
+ Added 8 new Stage 2 Elite Card Rewards
+ New Enemy Skill: Lifesteal (Deals Dmg and Heals)
+ New Enemy Skill: Gamble (Intention is not shown of next move)
+ New Enemy Skill: Card Steal (Exhausts Cards in your Deck)
+ New Enemy Skill: Health Regen (Heals every Round)
+ Multiple new Card skills: Execute, Double Debuffs,
keep Armor, Regain Exhausted Cards, extra Turn, etc.
+ New Save System (Offline and Online Play is possible!)
+ Too hard or too easy? New Difficulty / Progression System!
Small Changes and Bugfixes:
– Character stays transformed in stage 2 (for now)
– Some Balance Changes for stage 2
– Buff: Might of the bull doesn’t remove the Block anymore
– Demon Crest auto targets the Player
– Slime Merge shows the buff from Shield
– Fix: Lone Wolf properly heals on kill
– Fix: Lifesteal and Healthpay didn’t work, when killing the last enemy
+ Added a transformation Pie Chart showing your Deck corruption.
+ Added 6 new Relics and Changed the effect of 1.
+ Added the Card “Claw Attack”.
+ Relic choices change depending on your Decks corruption.
+ Added Ending Scenes to all 3 Bosses in Stage 1.
+ Added Patreon/SubscribeStar and Discord links to the Menu.
+ Added Unity Analytics to collect ingame Data for Balance improvements.
This Analytics Data is Anonymous and will only be used to improve the Game.
Example of this Data: Location/Enemy of Player death, Deck/Relics choices etc.
v0.1.6 Hotfix
+ Fixed Bug where it was not possible to enter the Patreon Code on Android.
+ Added the Possibility to Opt-Out from the Analytics and Request Data deletion.
+ Changed the look of the Options Menu
Rating: 6.4/10
31 votes
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