Roads Yet Traveled [Android] Download

Roads Yet Traveled [Android]

Do you believe you possess the capacity to transform the globe? Regardless of who you are, your ability to enact change is limited, and the time you have to effect meaningful change is brief. As it has happened numerous times before, you find yourself embarking on the first day of a new class. The anxiety of a first day is challenging to navigate, yet you find a way to cope. Such is the nature of your existence now, a perpetual cycle of movement and fresh starts, with everything in a constant state of change. Today is simply another embodiment of that change. Suddenly, everything vanishes. Lost without a clear path home, how will you navigate your circumstances? Can the friends you make along the way assure your safety, or will the challenges prove overwhelming? Nonetheless, press on, for there's nothing left for you to forfeit.

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Project QT
Changelog (v6)
23k Words (Mainly main route)
– 1 New BG
– 1 New multi-part CG
– 2 Updated character sprites
– 2 Edited character sprites
– 1 New song edit
– New font!
– An update to the music room feature (also lovingly coded by my proofreader)
Rating: 5.6/10
3 votes
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