Mysterious Erotic Theater 3500 [Android] Download

Mysterious Erotic Theater 3500 [Android]

This seductive, animated narrative is a collection of short tales that only slightly intertwine with each other. Within its pages lies a diverse cast of characters, including malevolent sorceresses, reclusive automata, the dark arts, extraterrestrial beings, elements of sci-fi, and a forsaken circus.

Yet, there's a singular thread that weaves these diverse stories together: a trio of companions who occupy an old, deserted cinema to screen adult films, all the while exchanging outlandishly humorous remarks about what they watch.

Rating: 9.1/10
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  1. July 24, 2022 at 1:18 pm

    somebody mashed up MST3K with a random horny fanfic generator and called it a day. can’t decide if it’s art or a cry for help