Femtality X: Hero’s End [Android]

After a series of poor life choices, Claude (a renamable main character) finds himself trapped in a world where he is the only male, and all the women believe him to be the legendary hero of old. However, instead of being treated as a revered savior, he is reduced to a lowly servant, with the women mercilessly exploiting him to enhance their own powers. Join an action-packed, femdom-themed hentai beat 'em up sandbox adventure where survival means embracing submission and navigating a world with a reversed power dynamic. "FEMTALITY X: Hero’s End" is a story-focused sandbox action RPG featuring a male main character (added after much demand). The gameplay includes classic beat 'em up combat, sexy mini-games, and 2D animated intimate scenes. Battle enemies, gather resources, and submit your gains and levels to your mistresses while uncovering the truth behind this world.

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Changelog (v0.2.0)
New Animated Scenes
Rating: 7/10
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