Dreaming Of Dana [Android] Download

Dreaming Of Dana [Android]

In this story, you embody a privileged youth accustomed to a life of ease, which has fostered a certain lackadaisical attitude. Presently, you find yourself employed at your father's company, a situation you find less than thrilling. By your side is your sister Dana, your father's favored child, towards whom you are beginning to acknowledge previously suppressed emotions. As the narrative unfolds, you will encounter a variety of individuals, and you may have the opportunity to fuck many of them.

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Rating: 8.2/10
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  1. April 26, 2023 at 9:26 am

    Gotta say, this VN’s protag is the absolute worst. Literal spoon-fed brat that makes me wanna punch him. Could barely care about the screwfest when the lead is this pathetically written. Trash MC’s like this just ruin games

  2. June 5, 2022 at 6:03 pm

    Can’t believe they’re pushing this beta simulator as a visual novel. Rich kid with a silver spoon in his mouth, whining about his cushy job? Pathetic. Get some real challenges and stop glorifying laziness. And what’s with the incest bait? Grow a pair, make a move, and quit the creepy sibling obsession.