Corrupted Love [Android] Download

Corrupted Love [Android]

This narrative centers on the unfolding occurrences in Max's existence. Max risked an investment in a digital currency which yielded significant returns, securing his financial freedom indefinitely. Utilizing his newfound wealth, he acquired everything he had ever desired. During his younger years, he was known for frequently changing romantic partners, yet he never felt the compulsion to establish a permanent relationship or raise a family. However, as the years progressed, Max constantly sensed a void in his life, an elusive element that remained absent.

  • Release:
Project QT
Changelog (v0.8.6r)
Removed the persistent value from character paths (as it was causing issues)
Removed a choice with Lauren on Day4 night (it wasn’t needed and now the scene just continues till the next choice)
Added a Path option to the quick menu (so you can enable/disable character paths on the fly (handy if you come off a path))
Fixed some reported dialogue issues
Rating: 9.8/10
117 votes
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