Dog Days Of Summer [Android]

"Dog Days of Summer follows the story of Vivian, a young woman savoring her final summer before graduating from college. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she encounters a enigmatic woman named Tara, who steers her towards a path filled with sensuality. The progression of Vivian's summer and the choices she makes are largely in the hands of the player."

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  • Release:
Lust Goddess
Changelog (v0.3.1B)
I was hopping to get to the party but there is just so much content that I hit a bit of a wall and need a break. But wanted to have a new update up by August.
And yes some of you might have noticed I redid all of the sprites and reworked Vivian again. A lot of people complained about her change so I tried to get her closer to her original. And this is the last time I am going to make any changes to her character because I will not be doing that ever again.
So this is a beta to do bug test and assuming there are no problems there will be another release the first Monday of August which will probably have a bit more content. Maybe.
And if all goes well I plan on uploading it to steam at the same time as well. As such enjoy the trailer I put together for it.
Thank you all for your support and hope you enjoy.
Rating: 8.2/10
371 votes
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