Tales Of Terrara [Android]
"Tales of Terrara" unfolds in a wondrous realm, home to beings such as elves and orcs, alongside formidable beasts and vigilant deities. An ordinary individual, starting from modest roots, forges an agreement with an enigmatic force, gaining abilities they have yet to fully comprehend. Gradually, they grow to achieve feats beyond imagination. The question remains—will their innocent spirit prevail, or will they fall prey to the seductive nature of power and corruption? Will they harness their newfound strength for the greater good, or will they be driven by perverse whims? Perhaps the paths of virtue and vice will intertwine.
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Changelog (v0.4.0)
New scene with Wif as a reward for completing her task
New scene with Shae training magic together
Conclusion of the current main quest, which closes the Faeria chapter
Added new alternative event to get Shae and Galthia in case you missed them after the bandit hideout in Cedioria
You now can repeat Phinessa’s first event and get her scene or quest if you missed them the first time.
You can now get Crasas quest and scene if you missed them before
Fixed the event to locate the portal to Faeria if you don’t have either Galthia or Shae with you
Other small bug fixes and improvements
New scene with Wif as a reward for completing her task
New scene with Shae training magic together
Conclusion of the current main quest, which closes the Faeria chapter
Added new alternative event to get Shae and Galthia in case you missed them after the bandit hideout in Cedioria
You now can repeat Phinessa’s first event and get her scene or quest if you missed them the first time.
You can now get Crasas quest and scene if you missed them before
Fixed the event to locate the portal to Faeria if you don’t have either Galthia or Shae with you
Other small bug fixes and improvements
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