One More Time from the Top [Android] Download

One More Time from the Top [Android]

When your best friend extended an invitation for you to join her for a summer getaway, the prospect seemed promising—a leisurely and enjoyable break seemed assured, especially considering her employment at the nation's most prestigious film studio. However, that expectation quickly proved to be mistaken. An unforeseen dramatic turn of events thrusts you into an unexpected role: an investigator delving into the lives of the new acquaintances surrounding you, unearthing the concealed truths lurking beneath the surface. Throughout this probing journey, you'll cross paths with renowned actors, esteemed directors, influential producers, and the myriad other personnel within the studio. While some will exude warmth and kindness, others might exhibit a less friendly demeanor. As suspects in the unfolding mystery, can you truly trust them, or are they merely manipulating you? And in the midst of the turmoil, is it possible that romance will bloom with any of these intriguing figures?

Changelog (v0.34)
– 5 CT New coloured images
– 2 Fitz New coloured images
– 1 Main characters group coloured image
– 2 New Backgrounds (CT office and a Meeting Room)
Rating: 7.2/10
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