Kimberly’s Life [Android]
Kimberly Owens, an industrious 18-year-old, faces the challenge of providing for her family's financial needs. Her mother's addiction to alcohol and the absence of her father, whom Kimberly has never met, have thrust her into the role of breadwinner, tasked with paying the rent, putting food on the table, and tending to their everyday needs. Juggling her studies, looking after her ailing mother, and essentially nurturing her younger half-brother, Kimberly struggles to hold down a job and keep up with her schoolwork.
- Release:
- Patreon:
Changelog (v0.10)
-170 Renders.
-Events in school with Janitor and teacher.
-Event at the trailer with rednecks.
-Event at work.
-Events in school with Janitor and teacher.
-Event at the trailer with rednecks.
-Event at work.