Independent Horizons [Android]

The main character of the game **Independent Horizons** is a 20-year-old man named Tom. An orphan at birth, Tom was fortunate to be adopted at just 3 months old by a middle-class couple, Mr. and Mrs. Cruz. Shortly after his adoption, Mrs. Cruz discovered she was pregnant, and their family joyfully anticipated another addition. Tom soon gained a new sister, Pauline, who became his closest childhood friend. Despite not being related by blood, Tom found happiness in his newfound family. Loved equally by Mr. and Mrs. Cruz, Tom remains deeply grateful to them for giving him a second chance at a family life. Still, he is driven by a desire to uncover the truth about his biological roots—wondering if his birth family is still alive and whether he has any siblings. Determined to solve this mystery, Tom embarks on a quest to find his origins, even though he doesn't know where to start. All the while, he juggles his studies and part-time job to maintain his independence and minimize reliance on his adoptive parents. Now that he has reached legal age, he longs to stand on his own. While Mrs. Cruz may have initially struggled with the idea, she eventually comes to realize that Tom needs to carve out his own path as an adult.

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Project QT
Rating: 6.6/10
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