Factorial Omega: My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend [Android] Download

Factorial Omega: My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend [Android]

In the imagined dystopian year of 2021, the market for sexbots experienced a remarkable surge, overtaking the entire automotive industry in numbers and opening the possibilities for an era of unprecedented peace. This optimism was short-lived, however, as a mere month later an international incident involving the United States and China led to a global prohibition on sexbots, irrevocably altering the course of daily life.

As a result, widespread civil unrest erupted across the nation, with the formation of various militant and terrorist factions, including the noteworthy Benign Bionist Coalition and the Incontinent Cell, each vying for dominance over the dwindling stock of sexbots. Once easily accessible, these sexbots have since become a rarity, now traded only in the shadowy recesses of the dark web black market, due to the destruction of their manufacturing plants in the aftermath of the ban.

Amidst this chaotic backdrop, you find yourself as a young person—referred to as Anon—living in a deprived urban sector, struggling with financial instability following job loss. One unsettling evening, a military vehicle careens outside your apartment, accidentally jettisoning something into a nearby ditch before speeding away. Driven by curiosity, you approach the site of the spill, only to discover that the jettisoned item is a sexbot.

Faced with this unforeseen opportunity, Anon stands at a crossroads: Will selling the sexbot pave the way for a secure and prosperous existence? Can Anon use this stroke of fortune to cover living expenses, or will neglecting to capitalize on this find lead to a grim fate, succumbing to the cold embrace of the urban sprawl? Your subsequent decisions will shape Anon's fate.

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Changelog (v0.87.11)
Fixed a game breaking bug that caused item lists to break when resized causing selecting items sometimes breaking and making it impossible to open packages.
Rating: 9.3/10
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