Corrupted World [Android] Download

Corrupted World [Android]

Prepare to delve into the tale of a man who, until a fateful encounter, led a life of tranquility. Now, his world has been upended, and the direction his destiny takes rests solely in your hands.

Changelog (v0.2.0)
New club event
A new story event in Eldoran
Continuation of the main storyline
Added new locations and characters in Eldoran for upcoming events.
A new bonus event has been added.
Added the ability to view bonus events from your phone
The design of the dialog selection menu has been changed. (Please, if you see an unsuccessful dialog selection location, let me know and I will fix it in the next update)
Fixed a bug in the school principal’s story event (thanks a lot Cornwaille!)
Fixed a bug in some gallery events (thanks a lot sushi roll!)
Fixed a bug when launching a bonus event (thanks a lot to AriadustRin!)
Fixed a few minor bugs (Thanks a lot to everyone who reports bugs to me, it helps a lot to make the project better! Especially greenarrow 25 ^^)
Fixed the crash of the game on android when you first start the game.
Several renderers have been redesigned.
Rating: 7.8/10
228 votes
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