Erodio [Android]
The narrative unfolds during the Middle Ages. You assume the role of a young man who lost his parents long ago. Ever since, Roxanne has allowed you to earn your keep at her establishment. Ai, a young woman you and Roxanne saved from a maritime disaster, also resides and labors with you at the tavern. Aside from Ai and Princess Myra, who has a habit of emerging unexpectedly, you have few companions. Your existence has been tranquil. However, one day, you find yourself yearning for romance. With a plethora of charming ladies in your vicinity, whom will you pursue?
- Genre:Adventure
- Release:
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Other games:
>be medieval forever-alone with dead parents
>work for tavern wench Roxanne
>life.exe has stopped working, need waifu
>choose your own harem adventure begins
10/10 would simp for poorly-written medieval thots again